Interface TopicStats

All Known Subinterfaces:
NonPersistentPartitionedTopicStats, NonPersistentTopicStats, PartitionedTopicStats

public interface TopicStats
Statistics for a Pulsar topic.
  • Method Details

    • getMsgRateIn

      double getMsgRateIn()
      Total rate of messages published on the topic (msg/s).
    • getMsgThroughputIn

      double getMsgThroughputIn()
      Total throughput of messages published on the topic (byte/s).
    • getMsgRateOut

      double getMsgRateOut()
      Total rate of messages dispatched for the topic (msg/s).
    • getMsgThroughputOut

      double getMsgThroughputOut()
      Total throughput of messages dispatched for the topic (byte/s).
    • getBytesInCounter

      long getBytesInCounter()
      Total bytes published to the topic (bytes).
    • getMsgInCounter

      long getMsgInCounter()
      Total messages published to the topic (msg).
    • getBytesOutCounter

      long getBytesOutCounter()
      Total bytes delivered to consumer (bytes).
    • getMsgOutCounter

      long getMsgOutCounter()
      Total messages delivered to consumer (msg).
    • getAverageMsgSize

      double getAverageMsgSize()
      Average size of published messages (bytes).
    • isMsgChunkPublished

      boolean isMsgChunkPublished()
      Topic has chunked message published on it.
    • getStorageSize

      long getStorageSize()
      Space used to store the messages for the topic (bytes).
    • getBacklogSize

      long getBacklogSize()
      Get estimated total unconsumed or backlog size in bytes.
    • getEarliestMsgPublishTimeInBacklogs

      long getEarliestMsgPublishTimeInBacklogs()
      Get the publish time of the earliest message over all the backlogs.
    • getBacklogQuotaLimitSize

      long getBacklogQuotaLimitSize()
      the size in bytes of the topic backlog quota.
    • getBacklogQuotaLimitTime

      long getBacklogQuotaLimitTime()
      the topic backlog age quota, in seconds.
    • getOldestBacklogMessageAgeSeconds

      long getOldestBacklogMessageAgeSeconds()
      Age of oldest unacknowledged message, as recorded in last backlog quota check interval.

      The age of the oldest unacknowledged (i.e. backlog) message, measured by the time elapsed from its published time, in seconds. This value is recorded every backlog quota check interval, hence it represents the value seen in the last check.

    • getOldestBacklogMessageSubscriptionName

      String getOldestBacklogMessageSubscriptionName()
      The subscription name containing oldest unacknowledged message as recorded in last backlog quota check.

      The name of the subscription containing the oldest unacknowledged message. This value is recorded every backlog quota check interval, hence it represents the value seen in the last check.

    • getOffloadedStorageSize

      long getOffloadedStorageSize()
      Space used to store the offloaded messages for the topic/.
    • getPublishers

      List<? extends PublisherStats> getPublishers()
      List of connected publishers on this topic w/ their stats.
    • getWaitingPublishers

      int getWaitingPublishers()
    • getSubscriptions

      Map<String,? extends SubscriptionStats> getSubscriptions()
      Map of subscriptions with their individual statistics.
    • getReplication

      Map<String,? extends ReplicatorStats> getReplication()
      Map of replication statistics by remote cluster context.
    • getDeduplicationStatus

      String getDeduplicationStatus()
    • getTopicEpoch

      Long getTopicEpoch()
      The topic epoch or empty if not set.
    • getNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRanges

      int getNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRanges()
      The number of non-contiguous deleted messages ranges.
    • getNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRangesSerializedSize

      int getNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRangesSerializedSize()
      The serialized size of non-contiguous deleted messages ranges.
    • getCompaction

      CompactionStats getCompaction()
      The compaction stats.
    • getOwnerBroker

      String getOwnerBroker()
      The broker that owns this topic.
    • getDelayedMessageIndexSizeInBytes

      long getDelayedMessageIndexSizeInBytes()