Interface ConsumerStats

public interface ConsumerStats
Consumer statistics.
  • Method Details

    • getAppId

      String getAppId()
      the app id.
    • getMsgRateOut

      double getMsgRateOut()
      Total rate of messages delivered to the consumer (msg/s).
    • getMsgThroughputOut

      double getMsgThroughputOut()
      Total throughput delivered to the consumer (bytes/s).
    • getBytesOutCounter

      long getBytesOutCounter()
      Total bytes delivered to consumer (bytes).
    • getMsgOutCounter

      long getMsgOutCounter()
      Total messages delivered to consumer (msg).
    • getMsgRateRedeliver

      double getMsgRateRedeliver()
      Total rate of messages redelivered by this consumer (msg/s).
    • getMessageAckRate

      double getMessageAckRate()
      Total rate of message ack(msg/s).
    • getChunkedMessageRate

      double getChunkedMessageRate()
      The total rate of chunked messages delivered to this consumer.
    • getConsumerName

      String getConsumerName()
      Name of the consumer.
    • getAvailablePermits

      int getAvailablePermits()
      Number of available message permits for the consumer.
    • getUnackedMessages

      int getUnackedMessages()
      Number of unacknowledged messages for the consumer, where an unacknowledged message is one that has been sent to the consumer but not yet acknowledged. This field is only meaningful when using a SubscriptionType that tracks individual message acknowledgement, like SubscriptionType.Shared or SubscriptionType.Key_Shared.
    • getAvgMessagesPerEntry

      int getAvgMessagesPerEntry()
      Number of average messages per entry for the consumer consumed.
    • isBlockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs

      boolean isBlockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs()
      Flag to verify if consumer is blocked due to reaching threshold of unacked messages.
    • getReadPositionWhenJoining

      @Deprecated String getReadPositionWhenJoining()
      The read position of the cursor when the consumer joining.
    • getDrainingHashesCount

      int getDrainingHashesCount()
      For Key_Shared subscription in AUTO_SPLIT ordered mode: Retrieves the current number of hashes in the draining state for this consumer.
      the current number of hashes in the draining state for this consumer
    • getDrainingHashesClearedTotal

      long getDrainingHashesClearedTotal()
      For Key_Shared subscription in AUTO_SPLIT ordered mode: Retrieves the total number of hashes cleared from the draining state since the consumer connected.
      the total number of hashes cleared from the draining state since the consumer connected
    • getDrainingHashesUnackedMessages

      int getDrainingHashesUnackedMessages()
      For Key_Shared subscription in AUTO_SPLIT ordered mode: Retrieves the total number of unacked messages for all draining hashes for this consumer.
      the total number of unacked messages for all draining hashes for this consumer
    • getDrainingHashes

      List<DrainingHash> getDrainingHashes()
      For Key_Shared subscription in AUTO_SPLIT ordered mode: Retrieves the draining hashes for this consumer.
      a list of draining hashes for this consumer
    • getAddress

      String getAddress()
      Address of this consumer.
    • getConnectedSince

      String getConnectedSince()
      Timestamp of connection.
    • getClientVersion

      String getClientVersion()
      Client library version.
    • getLastAckedTimestamp

      long getLastAckedTimestamp()
    • getLastConsumedTimestamp

      long getLastConsumedTimestamp()
    • getLastConsumedFlowTimestamp

      long getLastConsumedFlowTimestamp()
    • getKeyHashRangeArrays

      List<int[]> getKeyHashRangeArrays()
      Hash ranges assigned to this consumer if in Key_Shared subscription mode. This format and field is used when `subscriptionKeySharedUseClassicPersistentImplementation` is set to `false` (default).
    • getKeyHashRanges

      @Deprecated List<String> getKeyHashRanges()
      Hash ranges assigned to this consumer if in Key_Shared subscription mode. This format and field is used when `subscriptionKeySharedUseClassicPersistentImplementation` is set to `true`.
    • getMetadata

      Map<String,String> getMetadata()
      Metadata (key/value strings) associated with this consumer.