Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ include | |
▼ pulsar | |
▼ c | |
authentication.h | |
client.h | |
client_configuration.h | |
consumer.h | |
consumer_configuration.h | |
message.h | |
message_id.h | |
message_router.h | |
messages.h | |
producer.h | |
producer_configuration.h | |
reader.h | |
reader_configuration.h | |
result.h | |
string_list.h | |
string_map.h | |
table_view.h | |
table_view_configuration.h | |
version.h | |
Authentication.h | |
BatchReceivePolicy.h | |
BrokerConsumerStats.h | |
Client.h | |
ClientConfiguration.h | |
CompressionType.h | |
ConsoleLoggerFactory.h | |
Consumer.h | |
ConsumerConfiguration.h | |
ConsumerCryptoFailureAction.h | |
ConsumerEventListener.h | |
ConsumerInterceptor.h | |
ConsumerType.h | |
CryptoKeyReader.h | |
DeadLetterPolicy.h | |
DeadLetterPolicyBuilder.h | |
defines.h | |
DeprecatedException.h | |
EncryptionKeyInfo.h | |
FileLoggerFactory.h | |
InitialPosition.h | |
KeySharedPolicy.h | |
KeyValue.h | |
Logger.h | |
Message.h | |
MessageBatch.h | |
MessageBuilder.h | |
MessageId.h | |
MessageIdBuilder.h | |
MessageRoutingPolicy.h | |
Producer.h | |
ProducerConfiguration.h | |
ProducerCryptoFailureAction.h | |
ProducerInterceptor.h | |
ProtobufNativeSchema.h | |
Reader.h | |
ReaderConfiguration.h | |
RegexSubscriptionMode.h | |
Result.h | |
Schema.h | |
TableView.h | |
TableViewConfiguration.h | |
TopicMetadata.h | |
TypedMessage.h | |
TypedMessageBuilder.h | |