Uses of Annotation Interface
Packages that use InterfaceAudience.Public
Pulsar Client API.
Pulsar interceptors.
Schema definitions for Pulsar Client API.
Pulsar transaction related API.
Annotations used across the whole project.
This package contains data structures for schema definitions used in the Pulsar Client API.
Uses of InterfaceAudience.Public in org.apache.pulsar.client.api
Classes in org.apache.pulsar.client.api with annotations of type InterfaceAudience.PublicModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
is used to configure and create instance ofServiceUrlProvider
Batcher builder.interface
Batch message container for individual messages being published until they are batched and sent to broker.class
Configuration for message batch receiveConsumer.batchReceive()
Builder interface that is used to configure and construct aPulsarClient
The compression type that can be specified on aProducer
An interface that abstracts behavior of Pulsar's consumer.interface
is used to configure and create instances ofConsumer
The action a consumer should take when a consumer receives a message that it cannot decrypt.interface
Listener on the consumer state changes.interface
A plugin interface that allows you to intercept (and possibly mutate) messages received by the consumer.interface
is used to configure and create instance ofServiceUrlProvider
Interface that abstracts the access to a key store.class
Configuration for the "dead letter queue" feature in consumer.interface
Support for encoded authentication configuration parameters.enum
Standard hashing functions available when choosing the partition to use for a particular message.enum
KeyShared mode of KeyShared subscription.class
KeyShared policy for KeyShared subscription.interface
The message abstraction used in Pulsar.interface
BuilderT> Interface that abstracts the method to encrypt/decrypt message for End to End Encryption.interface
Opaque unique identifier of a single messageinterface
A listener that will be called in order for every message received.interface
Interface for custom message router that can be passed to a producer to select the partition that a particular messsage should be published on.enum
Default routing mode for messages to partition.interface
A container that holds the listMessage
for a topic.interface
Multi-topic Consumer statistics recorded by client.interface
Partitioned topic Producer statistics recorded by client.interface
Producer is used to publish messages on a topic.interface
is used to configure and create instances ofProducer
The action the producer will take in case of encryption failures.interface
to enable statsenum
Protcol type to determine type of proxy routing when client connects to proxy usinginvalid @link
{@link ClientBuilder::proxyServiceUrl
Class that provides a client interface to Pulsar.class
Base type of exception thrown by Pulsar client.class
Int range.interface
A Reader can be used to scan through all the messages currently available in a topic.interface
is used to configure and create instances ofReader
Reader interceptor.interface
A listener that will be called in order for every message received.interface
Interface for custom message is negativeAcked policy, users can specify aRedeliveryBackoff
for a consumer.enum
When subscribing to topics using a regular expression, one can specify to only pick a certain type of topics.interface
Message schema definition.class
Schema serialization exception.interface
The provider to provide the service url.enum
When creating a consumer, if the subscription does not exist, a new subscription will be created.enum
Types of subscription mode supported by Pulsar.enum
Types of subscription supported by Pulsar.interface
is used to configure and create instances ofTableView
Metadata of a topic that can be used for message routing.enum
Message builder that constructs a message to be published through a producer. -
Uses of InterfaceAudience.Public in org.apache.pulsar.client.api.interceptor
Classes in org.apache.pulsar.client.api.interceptor with annotations of type InterfaceAudience.PublicModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A plugin interface that allows you to intercept (and possibly mutate) the messages received by the producer before they are published to the Pulsar brokers. -
Uses of InterfaceAudience.Public in org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema
Classes in org.apache.pulsar.client.api.schema with annotations of type InterfaceAudience.PublicModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A field in a record, consisting of a field name, index, andSchema
for the field value.interface
FieldSchemaBuilder<T extends FieldSchemaBuilder<T>>
Build a field for a record.interface
An interface represents a message with schema.interface
Generic Record Builder to build aGenericRecord
GenericSchema<T extends GenericRecord>
A schema that serializes and deserializes betweenGenericRecord
and bytes.interface
Building the schema for aGenericRecord
Builder to build schema.interface
Interface for schema definition.interface
Builder to build schema definitionSchemaDefinition
Deserialize messages from bytes.interface
Serialize messages into bytes. -
Uses of InterfaceAudience.Public in org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction
Classes in org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction with annotations of type InterfaceAudience.PublicModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The class represents a transaction within Pulsar.interface
The builder to build a transaction for Pulsar.class
An identifier for representing a transaction. -
Uses of InterfaceAudience.Public in org.apache.pulsar.common.classification
Classes in org.apache.pulsar.common.classification with annotations of type InterfaceAudience.PublicModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Annotation to inform users of a package, class or method's intended audience.class
Annotation to inform users of how much to rely on a particular package, class or method not changing over time. -
Uses of InterfaceAudience.Public in org.apache.pulsar.common.schema
Classes in org.apache.pulsar.common.schema with annotations of type InterfaceAudience.PublicModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
V> A simple KeyValue class.enum
Encoding types of supported KeyValueSchema for Pulsar messages.interface
Information about the schema.class
Data structure representing a schema information including its version.enum
Types of supported schema for Pulsar messages.
to enable stats