class documentation

Configuration for the "dead letter queue" feature in consumer.

Method __init__ Wrapper DeadLetterPolicy.
Method policy Returns the actual one DeadLetterPolicy.
Property dead_letter_topic Return the dead letter topic for dead letter policy.
Property initial_subscription_name Return the initial subscription name for dead letter policy.
Property max_redeliver_count Return the max redeliver count for dead letter policy.
Instance Variable _policy Undocumented
def __init__(self, max_redeliver_count: int, dead_letter_topic: str = None, initial_subscription_name: str = None): (source)

Wrapper DeadLetterPolicy.

max_redeliver_count:Maximum number of times that a message is redelivered before being sent to the dead letter queue.
  • The maxRedeliverCount must be greater than 0.
dead_letter_topic:Name of the dead topic where the failing messages are sent.The default value is: sourceTopicName + "-" + subscriptionName + "-DLQ"
initial_subscription_name:Name of the initial subscription name of the dead letter topic.If this field is not set, the initial subscription for the dead letter topic is not created. If this field is set but the broker's allowAutoSubscriptionCreation is disabled, the DLQ producer fails to be created.
def policy(self): (source)

Returns the actual one DeadLetterPolicy.

dead_letter_topic: str = (source)

Return the dead letter topic for dead letter policy.

initial_subscription_name: str = (source)

Return the initial subscription name for dead letter policy.

max_redeliver_count: int = (source)

Return the max redeliver count for dead letter policy.
