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Manage Functions


This page only shows some frequently used operations.

  • For the latest and complete information about Pulsar admin, including commands, flags, descriptions, and more, see Pulsar admin doc.

  • For the latest and complete information about REST API, including parameters, responses, samples, and more, see REST API doc.

  • For the latest and complete information about Java admin API, including classes, methods, descriptions, and more, see Java admin API doc.

Pulsar Functions are lightweight compute processes that

  • consume messages from one or more Pulsar topics
  • apply a user-supplied processing logic to each message
  • publish the results of the computation to another topic

Functions can be managed via the following methods.

Admin CLIThe functions command of the pulsar-admin tool.
REST APIThe /admin/v3/functions endpoint of the admin REST API.
Java Admin APIThe functions method of the PulsarAdmin object in the Java API.

Function resources​

You can perform the following operations on functions.

Create a function​

You can create a Pulsar function in cluster mode (deploy it on a Pulsar cluster) using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the create subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions create \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--inputs test-input-topic \
--output persistent://public/default/test-output-topic \
--classname org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.examples.ExclamationFunction \
--jar /examples/api-examples.jar

Update a function​

You can update a Pulsar function that has been deployed to a Pulsar cluster using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the update subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions update \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--output persistent://public/default/update-output-topic \
# other options

Start an instance of a function​

You can start a stopped function instance with instance-id using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the start subcommand.

pulsar-admin functions start \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--instance-id 1

Start all instances of a function​

You can start all stopped function instances using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the start subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions start \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \

Stop an instance of a function​

You can stop a function instance with instance-id using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the stop subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions stop \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--instance-id 1

Stop all instances of a function​

You can stop all function instances using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the stop subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions stop \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions)

Restart an instance of a function​

Restart a function instance with instance-id using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the restart subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions restart \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--instance-id 1

Restart all instances of a function​

You can restart all function instances using Admin CLI, REST API or Java admin API.

Use the restart subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions restart \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions)

List all functions​

You can list all Pulsar functions running under a specific tenant and namespace using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the list subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions list \
--tenant public \
--namespace default

Delete a function​

You can delete a Pulsar function that is running on a Pulsar cluster using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the delete subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions delete \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions)

Get info about a function​

You can get information about a Pulsar function currently running in cluster mode using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the get subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions get \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions)

Get status of an instance of a function​

You can get the current status of a Pulsar function instance with instance-id using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the status subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions status \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--instance-id 1

Get status of all instances of a function​

You can get the current status of a Pulsar function instance using Admin CLI, REST API or Java Admin API.

Use the status subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions status \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions)

Get stats of an instance of a function​

You can get the current stats of a Pulsar Function instance with instance-id using Admin CLI, REST API or Java admin API.

Use the stats subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions stats \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--instance-id 1

Get stats of all instances of a function​

You can get the current stats of a Pulsar function using Admin CLI, REST API or Java admin API.

Use the stats subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions stats \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions)

Trigger a function​

You can trigger a specified Pulsar function with a supplied value using Admin CLI, REST API or Java admin API.

Use the trigger subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions trigger \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--topic (the name of input topic) \
--trigger-value \"hello pulsar\"
# or --trigger-file (the path of trigger file)

Put state associated with a function​

You can put the state associated with a Pulsar function using Admin CLI, REST API or Java admin API.

Use the putstate subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions putstate \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--state "{\"key\":\"pulsar\", \"stringValue\":\"hello pulsar\"}"

Fetch state associated with a function​

You can fetch the current state associated with a Pulsar function using Admin CLI, REST API or Java admin API.

Use the querystate subcommand.


pulsar-admin functions querystate \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name (the name of Pulsar Functions) \
--key (the key of state)