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AWS Kinesis Connector


The Kinesis Sink connector is used to pull data from Pulsar topics and persist the data into AWS Kinesis.

Sink Configuration Options

awsEndpointtruenullkinesis end-point url can be found at :
awsRegiontruenullappropriate aws region eg: us-west-1, us-west-2
awsKinesisStreamNametruenullkinesis stream name
awsCredentialPluginNamefalsenullFully-Qualified class name of implementation of AwsCredentialProviderPlugin. It is a factory class which creates an AWSCredentialsProvider that will be used by Kinesis Sink. If it is empty then KinesisSink will create a default AWSCredentialsProvider which accepts json-map of credentials in awsCredentialPluginParam
awsCredentialPluginParamfalsenulljson-parameters to initialize AwsCredentialsProviderPlugin
messageFormattrueONLY_RAW_PAYLOADMessage format in which kinesis sink converts pulsar messages and publishes to kinesis streams

Message Formats

The available message formats are listed as below:


Kinesis sink directly publishes pulsar message payload as a message into the configured kinesis stream.


Kinesis sink creates a json payload with pulsar message payload, properties and encryptionCtx, and publishes json payload into the configured kinesis stream.


Kinesis sink creates a flatbuffer serialized paylaod with pulsar message payload, properties and encryptionCtx, and publishes flatbuffer payload into the configured kinesis stream.