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RabbitMQ Connector


The RabbitMQ Source connector is used for receiving messages from a RabbitMQ cluster and writing messages to Pulsar topics.

Source Configuration Options

connectionNametruenullThe connection name used for connecting to RabbitMQ.
hosttruenullThe RabbitMQ host to connect to.
porttrue5672The RabbitMQ port to connect to.
virtualHosttrue/The virtual host used for connecting to RabbitMQ.
usernamefalseguestThe username used to authenticate to RabbitMQ.
passwordfalseguestThe password used to authenticate to RabbitMQ.
queueNametruenullThe RabbitMQ queue name from which messages should be read from or written to.
requestedChannelMaxfalse0Initially requested maximum channel number. 0 for unlimited.
requestedFrameMaxfalse0Initially requested maximum frame size, in octets. 0 for unlimited.
connectionTimeoutfalse60000Connection TCP establishment timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite.
handshakeTimeoutfalse10000The AMQP0-9-1 protocol handshake timeout in milliseconds.
requestedHeartbeatfalse60The requested heartbeat timeout in seconds.
prefetchCountfalse0Maximum number of messages that the server will deliver, 0 for unlimited.
prefetchGlobalfalsefalseSet true if the settings should be applied to the entire channel rather than each consumer.


The RabbitMQ Sink connector is used to pull messages from Pulsar topics and persist the messages to a RabbitMQ queue.

Sink Configuration Options

connectionNametruenullThe connection name used for connecting to RabbitMQ.
hosttruenullThe RabbitMQ host to connect to.
porttrue5672The RabbitMQ port to connect to.
virtualHosttrue/The virtual host used for connecting to RabbitMQ.
usernamefalseguestThe username used to authenticate to RabbitMQ.
passwordfalseguestThe password used to authenticate to RabbitMQ.
queueNametruenullThe RabbitMQ queue name from which messages should be read from or written to.
requestedChannelMaxfalse0Initially requested maximum channel number. 0 for unlimited.
requestedFrameMaxfalse0Initially requested maximum frame size, in octets. 0 for unlimited.
connectionTimeoutfalse60000Connection TCP establishment timeout in milliseconds. 0 for infinite.
handshakeTimeoutfalse10000The AMQP0-9-1 protocol handshake timeout in milliseconds.
requestedHeartbeatfalse60The requested heartbeat timeout in seconds.
exchangeNametruenullThe exchange to publish the messages on.
routingKeytruenullThe routing key used for publishing the messages.