InfluxDB Connector
The InfluxDB Sink Connector is used to pull messages from Pulsar topics and persist the messages to an InfluxDB database.
Sink Configuration Options
Name | Default | Required | Description |
influxdbUrl | null | true | The url of the InfluxDB instance to connect to. |
username | null | false | The username used to authenticate to InfluxDB. |
password | null | false | The password used to authenticate to InfluxDB. |
database | null | true | The InfluxDB database to write to. |
consistencyLevel | ONE | false | The consistency level for writing data to InfluxDB. Possible values [ALL, ANY, ONE, QUORUM]. |
logLevel | NONE | false | The log level for InfluxDB request and response. Possible values [NONE, BASIC, HEADERS, FULL]. |
retentionPolicy | autogen | false | The retention policy for the InfluxDB database. |
gzipEnable | false | false | Flag to determine if gzip should be enabled. |
batchTimeMs | 1000 | false | The InfluxDB operation time in milliseconds. |
batchSize | 200 | false | The batch size of write to InfluxDB database. |