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redis Connector


The redis Sink Connector is used to pull messages from Pulsar topics and persist the messages to a redis database.

Sink Configuration Options

redisHostsnulltrueA comma separated list of Redis hosts to connect to.
redisPasswordnullfalseThe password used to connect to Redis.
redisDatabase0trueThe Redis database to connect to.
clientModeStandalonefalseThe client mode to use when interacting with the Redis cluster. Possible values [Standalone, Cluster].
autoReconnecttruefalseFlag to determine if the Redis client should automatically reconnect.
requestQueue2147483647falseThe maximum number of queued requests to Redis.
tcpNoDelayfalsefalseFlag to enable TCP no delay should be used.
keepAlivefalsefalseFlag to enable a keepalive to Redis.
connectTimeout10000falseThe amount of time in milliseconds to wait before timing out when connecting.
operationTimeout10000falseThe amount of time in milliseconds before an operation is marked as timed out.
batchTimeMs1000falseThe Redis operation time in milliseconds.
batchSize1000falseThe batch size of write to Redis database.