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Pulsar Perf

The Pulsar Perf is a built-in performance test tool for Apache Pulsar. You can use the Pulsar Perf to test message writing or reading performance. For detailed information about performance tuning, see here.

Produce messages

This example shows how the Pulsar Perf produces messages with default options. For all configuration options available for the pulsar-perf produce command, see configuration options.

bin/pulsar-perf produce my-topic

After the command is executed, the test data is continuously output on the Console.


19:53:31.459 [pulsar-perf-producer-exec-1-1] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Created 1 producers
19:53:31.482 [pulsar-timer-5-1] WARN com.scurrilous.circe.checksum.Crc32cIntChecksum - Failed to load Circe JNI library. Falling back to Java based CRC32c provider
19:53:40.861 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 93.7 msg/s --- 0.7 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.575 ms - med: 3.460 - 95pct: 4.790 - 99pct: 5.308 - 99.9pct: 5.834 - 99.99pct: 6.609 - Max: 6.609
19:53:50.909 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 100.0 msg/s --- 0.8 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.437 ms - med: 3.328 - 95pct: 4.656 - 99pct: 5.071 - 99.9pct: 5.519 - 99.99pct: 5.588 - Max: 5.588
19:54:00.926 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 100.0 msg/s --- 0.8 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.376 ms - med: 3.276 - 95pct: 4.520 - 99pct: 4.939 - 99.9pct: 5.440 - 99.99pct: 5.490 - Max: 5.490
19:54:10.940 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 100.0 msg/s --- 0.8 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.298 ms - med: 3.220 - 95pct: 4.474 - 99pct: 4.926 - 99.9pct: 5.645 - 99.99pct: 5.654 - Max: 5.654
19:54:20.956 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 100.1 msg/s --- 0.8 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.308 ms - med: 3.199 - 95pct: 4.532 - 99pct: 4.871 - 99.9pct: 5.291 - 99.99pct: 5.323 - Max: 5.323
19:54:30.972 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 100.0 msg/s --- 0.8 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.249 ms - med: 3.144 - 95pct: 4.437 - 99pct: 4.970 - 99.9pct: 5.329 - 99.99pct: 5.414 - Max: 5.414
19:54:40.987 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Throughput produced: 100.0 msg/s --- 0.8 Mbit/s --- failure 0.0 msg/s --- Latency: mean: 3.435 ms - med: 3.361 - 95pct: 4.772 - 99pct: 5.150 - 99.9pct: 5.373 - 99.99pct: 5.837 - Max: 5.837
^C19:54:44.325 [Thread-1] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Aggregated throughput stats --- 7286 records sent --- 99.140 msg/s --- 0.775 Mbit/s
19:54:44.336 [Thread-1] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Aggregated latency stats --- Latency: mean: 3.383 ms - med: 3.293 - 95pct: 4.610 - 99pct: 5.059 - 99.9pct: 5.588 - 99.99pct: 5.837 - 99.999pct: 6.609 - Max: 6.609

From the above test data, you can get the throughput statistics and the write latency statistics. The aggregated statistics is printed when the Pulsar Perf is stopped. You can press Ctrl+C to stop the Pulsar Perf. If you specify a filename with the --histogram-file parameter, a file with the HdrHistogram formatted test result appears under your directory after Pulsar Perf is stopped. You can also check the test result through HdrHistogram Plotter. For details about how to check the test result through HdrHistogram Plotter, see HdrHistogram Plotter.

Configuration options for pulsar-perf produce

You can get all options by executing the bin/pulsar-perf produce -h command. Therefore, you can modify these options as required.

The following table lists configuration options available for the pulsar-perf produce command.

OptionDescriptionDefault value
access-modeSet the producer access mode. Valid values are Shared, Exclusive and WaitForExclusive.Shared
admin-urlSet the Pulsar admin URL.N/A
auth-paramsSet the authentication parameters, whose format is determined by the implementation of the configure method in the authentication plugin class, such as "key1:val1,key2:val2" or "{"key1":"val1","key2":"val2"}".N/A
auth-pluginSet the authentication plugin class name.N/A
listener-nameSet the listener name for the broker.N/A
batch-max-bytesSet the maximum number of bytes for each batch.4194304
batch-max-messagesSet the maximum number of messages for each batch.1000
batch-time-windowSet a window for a batch of messages.1 ms
busy-waitEnable or disable Busy-Wait on the Pulsar client.false
chunkingConfigure whether to split the message and publish in chunks if message size is larger than allowed max size.false
compressionCompress the message payload.N/A
conf-fileSet the configuration file.N/A
delayMark messages with a given delay.0s
encryption-key-nameSet the name of the public key used to encrypt the payload.N/A
encryption-key-value-fileSet the file which contains the public key used to encrypt the payload.N/A
exit-on-failureConfigure whether to exit from the process on publish failure.false
format-classSet the custom formatter class
format-payloadConfigure whether to format %i as a message index in the stream from producer and/or %t as the timestamp nanoseconds.false
helpConfigure the help message.false
histogram-fileHdrHistogram output fileN/A
max-connectionsSet the maximum number of TCP connections to a single broker.100
max-outstandingSet the maximum number of outstanding messages.1000
max-outstanding-across-partitionsSet the maximum number of outstanding messages across partitions.50000
message-key-generation-modeSet the generation mode of message key. Valid options are autoIncrement, random.N/A
num-io-threadsSet the number of threads to be used for handling connections to brokers.1
num-messagesSet the number of messages to be published in total. If it is set to 0, it keeps publishing messages.0
num-producersSet the number of producers for each topic.1
num-test-threadsSet the number of test threads.1
num-topicSet the number of topics.1
partitionsConfigure whether to create partitioned topics with the given number of partitions.N/A
payload-delimiterSet the delimiter used to split lines when using payload from a file.\n
payload-fileUse the payload from an UTF-8 encoded text file and a payload is randomly selected when messages are published.N/A
producer-nameSet the producer name.N/A
rateSet the publish rate of messages across topics.100
send-timeoutSet the sendTimeout.0
separatorSet the separator between the topic and topic number.-
service-urlSet the Pulsar service URL.
sizeSet the message size.1024 bytes
stats-interval-secondsSet the statistics interval. If it is set to 0, statistics is disabled.0
test-durationSet the test duration. If it is set to 0, it keeps publishing tests.0s
trust-cert-fileSet the path for the trusted TLS certificate file.
warmup-timeSet the warm-up time.1s
tls-allow-insecureSet the allowed insecure TLS connection.N/A

Consume messages

This example shows how the Pulsar Perf consumes messages with default options.

bin/pulsar-perf consume my-topic

After the command is executed, the test data is continuously output on the Console.


20:35:37.071 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Start receiving from 1 consumers on 1 topics
20:35:41.150 [pulsar-client-io-1-9] WARN com.scurrilous.circe.checksum.Crc32cIntChecksum - Failed to load Circe JNI library. Falling back to Java based CRC32c provider
20:35:47.092 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Throughput received: 59.572 msg/s -- 0.465 Mbit/s --- Latency: mean: 11.298 ms - med: 10 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 98 - 99.9pct: 137 - 99.99pct: 152 - Max: 152
20:35:57.104 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Throughput received: 99.958 msg/s -- 0.781 Mbit/s --- Latency: mean: 9.176 ms - med: 9 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 16 - 99.9pct: 17 - 99.99pct: 18 - Max: 18
20:36:07.115 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Throughput received: 100.006 msg/s -- 0.781 Mbit/s --- Latency: mean: 9.316 ms - med: 9 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 16 - 99.9pct: 17 - 99.99pct: 17 - Max: 17
20:36:17.125 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Throughput received: 100.085 msg/s -- 0.782 Mbit/s --- Latency: mean: 9.327 ms - med: 9 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 16 - 99.9pct: 17 - 99.99pct: 17 - Max: 17
20:36:27.136 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Throughput received: 99.900 msg/s -- 0.780 Mbit/s --- Latency: mean: 9.404 ms - med: 9 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 16 - 99.9pct: 17 - 99.99pct: 17 - Max: 17
20:36:37.147 [main] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Throughput received: 99.985 msg/s -- 0.781 Mbit/s --- Latency: mean: 8.998 ms - med: 9 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 16 - 99.9pct: 17 - 99.99pct: 17 - Max: 17
^C20:36:42.755 [Thread-1] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Aggregated throughput stats --- 6051 records received --- 92.125 msg/s --- 0.720 Mbit/s
20:36:42.759 [Thread-1] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceConsumer - Aggregated latency stats --- Latency: mean: 9.422 ms - med: 9 - 95pct: 15 - 99pct: 16 - 99.9pct: 98 - 99.99pct: 137 - 99.999pct: 152 - Max: 152

From the output test data, you can get the throughput statistics and the end-to-end latency statistics. The aggregated statistics is printed after the Pulsar Perf is stopped. You can press Ctrl+C to stop the Pulsar Perf.

Configuration options for pulsar-perf consume

You can get all options by executing the bin/pulsar-perf consume -h command. Therefore, you can modify these options as required.

The following table lists configuration options available for the pulsar-perf consume command.

OptionDescriptionDefault value
acks-delay-millisSet the acknowledgment grouping delay in milliseconds.100 ms
auth-paramsSet the authentication parameters, whose format is determined by the implementation of the configure method in the authentication plugin class, such as "key1:val1,key2:val2" or "{"key1":"val1","key2":"val2"}".N/A
auth-pluginSet the authentication plugin class name.N/A
auto_ack_chunk_q_fullConfigure whether to automatically ack for the oldest message in receiver queue if the queue is full.false
listener-nameSet the listener name for the broker.N/A
batch-index-ackEnable or disable the batch index acknowledgment.false
busy-waitEnable or disable Busy-Wait on the Pulsar client.false
conf-fileSet the configuration file.N/A
encryption-key-nameSet the name of the public key used to encrypt the payload.N/A
encryption-key-value-fileSet the file which contains the public key used to encrypt the payload.N/A
helpConfigure the help message.false
histogram-fileHdrHistogram output fileN/A
expire_time_incomplete_chunked_messagesSet the expiration time for incomplete chunk messages (in milliseconds).0
max-connectionsSet the maximum number of TCP connections to a single broker.100
max_chunked_msgSet the max pending chunk messages.0
num-consumersSet the number of consumers for each topic.1
num-io-threadsSet the number of threads to be used for handling connections to brokers.1
num-subscriptionsSet the number of subscriptions (per topic).1
num-topicSet the number of topics.1
pool-messagesConfigure whether to use the pooled message.true
rateSimulate a slow message consumer (rate in msg/s).0.0
receiver-queue-sizeSet the size of the receiver queue.1000
receiver-queue-size-across-partitionsSet the max total size of the receiver queue across partitions.50000
replicatedConfigure whether the subscription status should be replicated.false
service-urlSet the Pulsar service URL.
stats-interval-secondsSet the statistics interval. If it is set to 0, statistics is disabled.0
subscriber-nameSet the subscriber name prefix.
subscription-positionSet the subscription position. Valid values are Latest, Earliest.Latest
subscription-typeSet the subscription type.
  • Exclusive
  • Shared
  • Failover
  • Key_Shared
  • Exclusive
    test-durationSet the test duration (in seconds). If the value is 0 or smaller than 0, it keeps consuming messages.0
    tls-allow-insecureSet the allowed insecure TLS connection.N/A
    trust-cert-fileSet the path for the trusted TLS certificate file.


    By default, the Pulsar Perf uses conf/client.conf as the default configuration and uses conf/log4j2.yaml as the default Log4j configuration. If you want to connect to other Pulsar clusters, you can update the brokerServiceUrl in the client configuration.

    You can use the following commands to change the configuration file and the Log4j configuration file.

    export PULSAR_CLIENT_CONF=<your-config-file>
    export PULSAR_LOG_CONF=<your-log-config-file>

    In addition, you can use the following command to configure the JVM configuration through environment variables:

    export PULSAR_EXTRA_OPTS='-Xms4g -Xmx4g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4g'

    HdrHistogram Plotter

    The HdrHistogram Plotter is a visualization tool for checking Pulsar Perf test results, which makes it easier to observe the test results.

    To check test results through the HdrHistogram Plotter, follow these steps:

    1. Clone the HdrHistogram repository from GitHub to the local.

      git clone

    2. Switch to the HdrHistogram folder.

      cd HdrHistogram

    3. Install the HdrHistogram Plotter.

      mvn clean install -DskipTests

    4. Transform the file generated by the Pulsar Perf.

      ./HistogramLogProcessor -i <hgrm file path that pulsar-perf generated> -o <output file>

    5. You will get two output files. Upload the output file with the filename extension of .hgrm to the HdrHistogram Plotter.

    6. Check the test result through the Graphical User Interface of the HdrHistogram Plotter, as shown below.