Set up a standalone Pulsar in Docker
For local development and testing, you can run Pulsar in standalone mode on your own machine within a Docker container.
If you have not installed Docker, download it following the instructions for your OS.
Start Pulsar in Docker
For macOS, Linux, and Windows:
docker run -it -p 6650:6650 -p 8080:8080 --mount source=pulsardata,target=/pulsar/data --mount source=pulsarconf,target=/pulsar/conf apachepulsar/pulsar:3.0.10 bin/pulsar standalone
A few things to note about this command:
- The data, metadata, and configuration are persisted on Docker volumes to not start "fresh" every
time the container is restarted. For details on the volumes, you can use
docker volume inspect <sourcename>
. - For Docker on Windows, make sure to configure it to use Linux containers.
- The docker container will run as UID 10000 and GID 0, by default. You'll need to ensure the mounted volumes give write permission to either UID 10000 or GID 0. Note that UID 10000 is arbitrary, so it is recommended to make these mounts writable for the root group (GID 0).
If you start Pulsar successfully, you will see INFO
-level log messages like this:
08:18:30.970 [main] INFO - HTTP Service started at
07:53:37.322 [main] INFO - messaging service is ready, bootstrap service port = 8080, broker url= pulsar://localhost:6650, cluster=standalone,
When you start a local standalone cluster, a public/default
A namespace is created automatically, which is used for development purposes. All Pulsar topics are managed within namespaces. For more information, see Topics.
Use Pulsar in Docker
Pulsar offers client libraries for Java, Go, Python and C++. If you're running a local standalone cluster, you can use one of these root URLs to interact with your cluster:
The following example will guide you to get started with Pulsar quickly by using the Python client API.
Install the Pulsar Python client library directly from PyPI:
pip install pulsar-client
Consume a message
Create a consumer and subscribe to the topic:
import pulsar
client = pulsar.Client('pulsar://localhost:6650')
consumer = client.subscribe('my-topic',
while True:
msg = consumer.receive()
print("Received message: '%s'" %
Produce a message
Now start a producer to send some test messages:
import pulsar
client = pulsar.Client('pulsar://localhost:6650')
producer = client.create_producer('my-topic')
for i in range(10):
producer.send(('hello-pulsar-%d' % i).encode('utf-8'))
Get the topic statistics
In Pulsar, you can use REST, Java, or command-line tools to control every aspect of the system. For details on APIs, refer to Admin API Overview.
In the simplest example, you can use curl to probe the stats for a particular topic:
curl http://localhost:8080/admin/v2/persistent/public/default/my-topic/stats | python -m json.tool
The output is something like this:
"msgRateIn": 0.0,
"msgThroughputIn": 0.0,
"msgRateOut": 1.8332950480217471,
"msgThroughputOut": 91.33142602871978,
"bytesInCounter": 7097,
"msgInCounter": 143,
"bytesOutCounter": 6607,
"msgOutCounter": 133,
"averageMsgSize": 0.0,
"msgChunkPublished": false,
"storageSize": 7097,
"backlogSize": 0,
"offloadedStorageSize": 0,
"publishers": [
"accessMode": "Shared",
"msgRateIn": 0.0,
"msgThroughputIn": 0.0,
"averageMsgSize": 0.0,
"chunkedMessageRate": 0.0,
"producerId": 0,
"metadata": {},
"address": "/",
"connectedSince": "2021-07-04T09:05:43.04788Z",
"clientVersion": "2.8.0",
"producerName": "standalone-2-5"
"waitingPublishers": 0,
"subscriptions": {
"my-sub": {
"msgRateOut": 1.8332950480217471,
"msgThroughputOut": 91.33142602871978,
"bytesOutCounter": 6607,
"msgOutCounter": 133,
"msgRateRedeliver": 0.0,
"chunkedMessageRate": 0,
"msgBacklog": 0,
"backlogSize": 0,
"msgBacklogNoDelayed": 0,
"blockedSubscriptionOnUnackedMsgs": false,
"msgDelayed": 0,
"unackedMessages": 0,
"type": "Exclusive",
"activeConsumerName": "3c544f1daa",
"msgRateExpired": 0.0,
"totalMsgExpired": 0,
"lastExpireTimestamp": 0,
"lastConsumedFlowTimestamp": 1625389101290,
"lastConsumedTimestamp": 1625389546070,
"lastAckedTimestamp": 1625389546162,
"lastMarkDeleteAdvancedTimestamp": 1625389546163,
"consumers": [
"msgRateOut": 1.8332950480217471,
"msgThroughputOut": 91.33142602871978,
"bytesOutCounter": 6607,
"msgOutCounter": 133,
"msgRateRedeliver": 0.0,
"chunkedMessageRate": 0.0,
"consumerName": "3c544f1daa",
"availablePermits": 867,
"unackedMessages": 0,
"avgMessagesPerEntry": 6,
"blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs": false,
"lastAckedTimestamp": 1625389546162,
"lastConsumedTimestamp": 1625389546070,
"metadata": {},
"address": "/",
"connectedSince": "2021-07-04T08:58:21.287682Z",
"clientVersion": "2.8.0"
"isDurable": true,
"isReplicated": false,
"allowOutOfOrderDelivery": false,
"consumersAfterMarkDeletePosition": {},
"nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRanges": 0,
"nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRangesSerializedSize": 0,
"durable": true,
"replicated": false
"replication": {},
"deduplicationStatus": "Disabled",
"nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRanges": 0,
"nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRangesSerializedSize": 0