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Get started with pulsar-admin CLI tool

This tutorial guides you through every step of using pulsar-admin CLI to manage topics. It includes the following steps:

  1. Set the service URL.

  2. Create a partitioned topic.

  3. Update the number of a partition.

  4. Produce messages to the topic.

  5. Check the stats of the topic.

  6. Delete the topic.



  1. Set the service URLs to point to the broker service in client.conf.

  2. Create a persistent topic named test-topic-1 with 6 partitions.


    bin/pulsar-admin topics create-partitioned-topic \
    persistent://public/default/test-topic-1 \
    --partitions 6


    There is no output. You can check the status of the topic in Step 5.

  3. Update the number of the partition to 8.


    bin/pulsar-admin topics update-partitioned-topic \
    persistent://public/default/test-topic-1 \
    --partitions 8


    There is no output. You can check the number of partitions in Step 5.

  4. Produce some messages to the partitioned topic test-topic-1.


    bin/pulsar-perf produce -u pulsar://localhost:6650 -r 1000 -i 1000 persistent://public/default/test-topic-1


    2023-03-07T15:33:56,832+0800 [main] INFO  org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Starting Pulsar perf producer with config: {
    "confFile" : "/Users/yu/apache-pulsar-2.11.0/conf/client.conf",
    "serviceURL" : "pulsar://localhost:6650",
    "authPluginClassName" : "",
    "authParams" : "",
    "tlsTrustCertsFilePath" : "",
    "tlsAllowInsecureConnection" : false,
    "tlsHostnameVerificationEnable" : false,
    "maxConnections" : 1,
    "statsIntervalSeconds" : 1000,
    "ioThreads" : 1,
    "enableBusyWait" : false,
    "listenerName" : null,
    "listenerThreads" : 1,
    "maxLookupRequest" : 50000,
    "topics" : [ "persistent://public/default/test-topic-1" ],
    "numTestThreads" : 1,
    "msgRate" : 1000,
    "msgSize" : 1024,
    "numTopics" : 1,
    "numProducers" : 1,
    "separator" : "-",
    "sendTimeout" : 0,
    "producerName" : null,
    "adminURL" : "http://localhost:8080/",


    2023-03-07T15:35:03,769+0800 [Thread-0] INFO org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducer - Aggregated latency stats --- Latency: mean: 8.931 ms - med: 3.775 - 95pct: 32.144 - 99pct: 98.432 - 99.9pct: 216.088 - 99.99pct: 304.807 - 99.999pct: 349.391 - Max: 351.235
  5. Check the internal stats of the partitioned topic test-topic-1.


    bin/pulsar-admin topics partitioned-stats-internal \


    Below is a part of the output. For detailed explanations of topic stats, see Pulsar statistics.

    "metadata" : {
    "partitions" : 8
    "partitions" : {
    "persistent://public/default/test-topic-1-partition-1" : {
    "entriesAddedCounter" : 4213,
    "numberOfEntries" : 4213,
    "totalSize" : 8817693,
    "currentLedgerEntries" : 4212,
    "currentLedgerSize" : 8806289,
    "lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp" : "2023-03-07T15:33:59.367+08:00",
    "waitingCursorsCount" : 0,
    "pendingAddEntriesCount" : 0,
    "lastConfirmedEntry" : "65:4211",
    "state" : "LedgerOpened",
    "ledgers" : [ {
    "ledgerId" : 49,
    "entries" : 1,
    "size" : 11404,
    "offloaded" : false,
    "underReplicated" : false
    }, {
    "ledgerId" : 65,
    "entries" : 0,
    "size" : 0,
    "offloaded" : false,
    "underReplicated" : false
    } ],
    "cursors" : {
    "test-subscriptio-1" : {
    "markDeletePosition" : "49:-1",
    "readPosition" : "49:0",
    "waitingReadOp" : false,
    "pendingReadOps" : 0,
    "messagesConsumedCounter" : 0,
    "cursorLedger" : -1,
    "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : -1,
    "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
    "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2023-03-06T16:41:32.801+08:00",
    "state" : "NoLedger",
    "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
    "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
    "subscriptionHavePendingRead" : false,
    "subscriptionHavePendingReplayRead" : false,
    "properties" : { }
    "test-subscription-1" : {
    "markDeletePosition" : "49:-1",
    "readPosition" : "49:0",
    "waitingReadOp" : false,
    "pendingReadOps" : 0,
    "messagesConsumedCounter" : 0,
    "cursorLedger" : -1,
    "cursorLedgerLastEntry" : -1,
    "individuallyDeletedMessages" : "[]",
    "lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp" : "2023-03-06T16:41:32.801+08:00",
    "state" : "NoLedger",
    "numberOfEntriesSinceFirstNotAckedMessage" : 1,
    "totalNonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange" : 0,
    "subscriptionHavePendingRead" : false,
    "subscriptionHavePendingReplayRead" : false,
    "properties" : { }
    "schemaLedgers" : [ ],
    "compactedLedger" : {
    "ledgerId" : -1,
    "entries" : -1,
    "size" : -1,
    "offloaded" : false,
    "underReplicated" : false

  6. Delete the topic test-topic-1.


    bin/pulsar-admin topics delete-partitioned-topic persistent://public/default/test-topic-1


    There is no output. You can verify whether the test-topic-1 exists or not using the following command.


    List topics in public/default namespace.

    bin/pulsar-admin topics list public/default

To check the detailed usage of pulsar-admin CLI, see pulsar-admin CLI reference.