Transactions API
All messages in a transaction are available only to consumers after the transaction has been committed. If a transaction has been aborted, all the writes and acknowledgments in this transaction roll back.
- To enable transactions in Pulsar, you need to configure the parameter in
file orstandalone.conf
- Initialize transaction coordinator metadata, so the transaction coordinators can leverage advantages of the partitioned topic, such as load balance.
bin/pulsar initialize-transaction-coordinator-metadata -cs -c standalone
After initializing transaction coordinator metadata, you can use the transactions API. The following APIs are available.
Initialize Pulsar client
You can enable transactions for transaction clients and initialize transaction coordinator clients.
PulsarClient pulsarClient = PulsarClient.builder()
Start transactions
You can start transactions in the following way.
Transaction txn = pulsarClient
.withTransactionTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
Produce transaction messages
A transaction parameter is required when producing new transaction messages. The semantic of the transaction messages in Pulsar is read-committed
, so the consumer cannot receive the ongoing transaction messages before the transaction is committed.
producer.newMessage(txn).value("Hello Pulsar Transaction".getBytes()).sendAsync();
Acknowledge the messages with the transaction
The transaction acknowledgment requires a transaction parameter. The transaction acknowledgment marks the messages state to pending-ack state. When the transaction is committed, the pending-ack state becomes ack state. If the transaction is aborted, the pending-ack state becomes unacknowledged state.
Message<byte[]> message = consumer.receive();
consumer.acknowledgeAsync(message.getMessageId(), txn);
Commit transactions
When the transaction is committed, consumers receive the transaction messages and the pending-ack state becomes ack state.
Abort transaction
When the transaction is aborted, the transaction acknowledgment is canceled and the pending-ack messages are redelivered.
The following example shows how messages are processed in transactions.
PulsarClient pulsarClient = PulsarClient.builder()
.statsInterval(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
String sourceTopic = "public/default/source-topic";
String sinkTopic = "public/default/sink-topic";
Producer<String> sourceProducer = pulsarClient
sourceProducer.newMessage().value("hello pulsar transaction").sendAsync();
Consumer<String> sourceConsumer = pulsarClient
Producer<String> sinkProducer = pulsarClient
.sendTimeout(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
Transaction txn = pulsarClient
.withTransactionTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
// source message acknowledgment and sink message produce belong to one transaction,
// they are combined into an atomic operation.
Message<String> message = sourceConsumer.receive();
sourceConsumer.acknowledgeAsync(message.getMessageId(), txn);
sinkProducer.newMessage(txn).value("sink data").sendAsync();
Enable batch messages in transactions
To enable batch messages in transactions, you need to enable the batch index acknowledgment feature. The transaction acks check whether the batch index acknowledgment conflicts.
To enable batch index acknowledgment, you need to set acknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled
to true
in the broker.conf
or standalone.conf
And then you need to call the enableBatchIndexAcknowledgment(true)
method in the consumer builder.
Consumer<byte[]> sinkConsumer = pulsarClient
.enableBatchIndexAcknowledgment(true) // enable batch index acknowledgment