- [Fix][Client] Fix pending message not complete when closeAsync (#23761)
- [fix][client] Cannot access message data inside ProducerInterceptor#onSendAcknowledgement (#23791)
- [fix][client] Fix compatibility between kerberos and tls (#23798)
- [fix][client] Fix enableRetry for consumers using legacy topic naming where cluster name is included (#23753)
- [fix][client] Fix memory leak when publishing encountered a corner case error (#23738)
- [fix][client] Fix reader message filtering issue during blue-green cluster switch (#23693)
- [fix][client] Fix wrong start message id when it's a chunked message id (#23713)
- [fix][client] Make DeadLetterPolicy & KeySharedPolicy serializable (#23718)
- [fix][client] Orphan producer when concurrently calling producer closing and reconnection (#23853)
- [fix][client] Prevent retry topic and dead letter topic producer leaks when sending of message fails (#23824)
- [fix][doc] Refine ClientBuilder#memoryLimit and ConsumerBuilder#autoScaledReceiverQueueSizeEnabled javadoc (#23687)
- [improve][client] Make replicateSubscriptionState nullable (#23757)
- [improve][client] PIP-393: Improve performance of Negative Acknowledgement (#23600)
- [improve][client] PIP-393: Support configuring NegativeAckPrecisionBitCnt while building consumer. (#23804)
- [improve][client] Print consumer stats log if prefetched messages are not zero (#23698)