Apache Pulsar 3.0.10
Library updates
- [improve] Upgrade to Netty 4.1.117.Final (#23863)
- [fix][sec] Upgrade to Netty 4.1.118 to address CVE-2025-24970 (#23965)
- [fix] Bump org.apache.solr:solr-core from 8.11.3 to 9.8.0 in /pulsar-io/solr (#23899)
- [fix][build] Upgrade json-smart to 2.5.2 (#23966)
- [fix][broker] Fix bug in RangeCache where different instance of the key wouldn't ever match (#23903)
- [fix][broker] Closed topics won't be removed from the cache (#23884)
- [fix][broker] Continue using the next provider for http authentication if one fails (#23842)
- [fix][broker] Fix acknowledgeCumulativeAsync block when ackReceipt is enabled (#23841)
- [fix][broker] Fix incorrect blockedConsumerOnUnackedMsgs value when maxUnackedMessagesPerConsumer is 1 (#23796)
- [fix][broker] Fix possible mark delete NPE when batch index ack is enabled (#23833)
- [fix][broker] Fix repeatedly acquired pending reads quota (#23869)
- [fix][broker] Fix the retry mechanism in
(#23686) - [fix][broker] Make InflightReadsLimiter asynchronous and apply it for replay queue reads (#23901)
- [fix][broker] PIP-399: Fix Metric Name for Delayed Queue (#23712)
- [fix][broker] Remove blocking calls from internalGetPartitionedStats (#23832)
- [fix][broker] Revert "[fix][broker] Cancel possible pending replay read in cancelPendingRead (#23384)" (#23855)
- [fix][broker] Support large number of unack message store for cursor recovery (#9292)
- [fix][broker] fix broker may lost rack information (#23331)
- [cleanup][admin] Do not print full stacktrace when get partitioned metadata not found (#20979)
- [fix][meta] Fix ephemeral Zookeeper put which creates a persistent znode (#23984)
- [fix][meta] Fix ephemeral handling of ZK nodes and fix MockZooKeeper ephemeral and ZK stat handling (#23988)
- [fix][misc] Honor dynamic log levels in log4j2.yaml (#23847)
- [fix][ml] Fix cursor metadata compatability issue when switching the config unackedRangesOpenCacheSetEnabled (#23759)
- [fix][ml] Fix deadlock in PendingReadsManager (#23958)
- [fix][ml] Fix memory leak due to duplicated RangeCache value retain operations (#23955)
- [fix][ml] Fix memory leaks in ManagedCursorInfo and ManagedLedgerInfo decompression and compression (#23960)
- [fix][ml] incorrect non-durable cursor's backlog due to concurrently trimming ledger and non-durable cursor creation (#23951)
- [improve][broker] Avoid PersistentReplicator.expireMessages logic compute backlog twice (#23957)
- [improve][broker] Avoid logging errors when there is a connection issue during subscription. (#23939)
- [improve][broker] Avoid printing log for IncompatibleSchemaException in ServerCnx (#23938)
- [improve][broker] Do not print error logs for NotFound or Conflict errors when using the Admin API (#23928)
- [improve][broker] Don't print error logs for ProducerBusyException (#23929)
- [improve][broker] Improve Consumer.equals performance (#23864)
- [improve][broker] Reduce unnecessary REPLICATED_SUBSCRIPTION_SNAPSHOT_REQUEST (#23839)
- [improve][broker] Remove spamming logs for customized managed ledger (#23862)
- [improve][broker] Support values up to 2^32 in ConcurrentBitmapSortedLongPairSet (#23878)
- [improve][meta] Simplify getting parent path in ZKMetadataStore without using java.io.File (#23996)
- [feat][client] Support forward proxy for the ZTS server in pulsar-client-auth-athenz (#23947)
- [fix] Avoid NPE when closing an uninitialized SameAuthParamsLookupAutoClusterFailover (#23911)
- [fix] Initialize UrlServiceProvider before trying to use transaction coordinator (#23914)
- [fix][client] Fix LoadManagerReport not found (#23886)
- [fix][client] Fix memory leak in ClientCnx.newLookup when there's TooManyRequestsException (#23971)
- [fix][client] Fix memory leak when message size exceeds max message size and batching is enabled (#23967)
- [fix][client] Orphan producer when concurrently calling producer closing and reconnection (#23853)
- [fix][client] call redeliver 1 msg but did 2 msgs (#23943)
- [fix][client] fix retry topic with exclusive mode. (#23859)
- [improve][client] Avoid logging errors for retriable errors when creating producer #23935
Pulsar IO and Pulsar Functions
- [fix][io] Fix pulsar-io:pom not found (#23979)
- [improve] Validate user paths in Functions utils (#22833)
- [improve][io] Allow skipping connector deployment (#23932)
- [improve][proxy] Make keep-alive interval configurable in Pulsar Proxy (#23981)
- [fix] fix for code scanning alert no. 48: Uncontrolled data used in path expression (#23985)
- [fix][build] Add develops for buildtools (#23992)
- [improve] Support overriding java.net.preferIPv4Stack with OPTS (#23846)
Tests & CI
- [improve][test] Add solution to PulsarMockBookKeeper for intercepting reads (#23875)
- [fix][test] Add reconsumeLater call in RetryTopicTest#testRetryTopicWithMultiTopic. (#23857)
- [fix][test] Fix flaky DelayedDeliveryTest.testEnableTopicDelayedDelivery (#23893)
- [fix][test] Fix quiet time implementation in BrokerTestUtil.receiveMessages (#23876)
- [fix][test] fix flaky testNegativeAcksWithBackoff when batch enabled. (#23986)
- [fix][test]Fix flaky test testTopicUnloadAfterSessionRebuild (#23852)
- [fix][ci] Configure Docker data-root to /mnt/docker to avoid running out of disk space (#23909)
- [improve][ci] Increase Maven max heap size to 2048M and tune GCLockerRetryAllocationCount (#23883)
- [improve][ci] Publish build scans to develocity.apache.org (#23851)
- [improve][ci] Skip "OWASP dependency check" when data wasn't found in cache (#23970)
- [improve][ci] Update GitHub Workflows to Ubuntu 22.04 (#20729)
For the complete list, check the full changelog.