Apache Pulsar 3.0.5
- [fix][broker] Fix force delete subscription not working (#22423)
- [fix][broker] Avoid being stuck when closing the broker with extensible load manager (#22573)
- [fix][broker] Create new ledger after the current ledger is closed (#22034)
- [fix][broker] Disable system topic message deduplication (#22582)
- [fix][broker] Fix BufferOverflowException and EOFException bugs in /metrics gzip compression (#22576)
- [fix][broker] Fix NPE causing dispatching to stop when using Key_Shared mode and allowOutOfOrderDelivery=true (#22533)
- [fix][broker] Fix ProducerBusy issue due to incorrect userCreatedProducerCount on non-persistent topic (#22685)
- [fix][broker] Fix a deadlock in SystemTopicBasedTopicPoliciesService during NamespaceEventsSystemTopicFactory init (#22528)
- [fix][broker] Fix broken topic policy implementation compatibility with old pulsar version (#22535)
- [fix][broker] Fix configurationMetadataSyncEventTopic is marked supporting dynamic setting, but not implemented (#22684)
- [fix][broker] Fix consumer stops receiving messages when with large backlogs processing (#22454)
- [fix][broker] Fix invalid condition in logging exceptions (#22412)
- [fix][broker] Fix message drop record in producer stat (#22458)
- [fix][broker] Fix metrics pulsar_topic_load_failed_count is 0 when load non-persistent topic fails and fix the flaky test testBrokerStatsTopicLoadFailed (#22580)
- [fix][broker] Fix nothing changed after removing dynamic configs (#22673)
- [fix][broker] Fix typos in Consumer class (#22532)
- [fix][broker] Fix typos lister -> listener (#21068)
- [fix][broker] One topic can be closed multiple times concurrently (#17524)
- [fix][broker] Optimize /metrics, fix unbounded request queue issue and fix race conditions in metricsBufferResponse mode (#22494)
- [fix][broker] Part-1: Replicator can not created successfully due to an orphan replicator in the previous topic owner (#21946)
- [fix][broker] Part-2: Replicator can not created successfully due to an orphan replicator in the previous topic owner (#21948)
- [fix][broker] Prevent long deduplication cursor backlog so that topic loading wouldn't timeout (#22479)
- [fix][broker] Reader stuck after call hasMessageAvailable when enable replicateSubscriptionState (#22572)
- [fix][broker] Skip topic.close during unloading if the topic future fails with ownership check, and fix isBundleOwnedByAnyBroker to use ns.checkOwnershipPresentAsync for ExtensibleLoadBalancer (#22379) (#22403)
- [fix][broker] Support OIDC providers with JWK without alg field set in keys (#22421)
- [fix][broker] Update TransferShedder underloaded broker check to consider max loaded broker's msgThroughputEMA and update IsExtensibleLoadBalancerImpl check (#22321) (#22416)
- [fix][broker] Update topic partition failed when config maxNumPartitionsPerPartitionedTopic<0 (#22397)
- [fix][broker] avoid offload system topic (#22497)
- [fix][broker] fix replicated subscriptions for transactional messages (#22452)
- [fix][broker] rename to changeMaxReadPositionCount (#22656)
- [fix][broker] usedLocallySinceLastReport should always be reset (#22672)
- [fix][broker][admin] Fix cannot update properties on NonDurable subscription. (#22411)
- [fix][broker] Fix Reader can be stuck from transaction aborted messages. (#22610)
- [improve][broker] Make the config
description more effective (#22490) - [improve][broker] Retry re-validating ResourceLock with backoff after errors (#22617)
- [improve][broker] Add
metric (#19236) - [improve][broker] Add topic name to emitted error messages. (#22506)
- [improve][broker] Avoid repeated Read-and-discard when using Key_Shared mode (#22245)
- [improve][broker] Create partitioned topics automatically when enable topic level replication (#22537)
- [improve][broker] Don't log brokerClientAuthenticationParameters and bookkeeperClientAuthenticationParameters by default (#22395)
- [improve][broker] Improve Gzip compression, allow excluding specific paths or disabling it (#22370)
- [improve][broker] Optimize gzip compression for /metrics endpoint by sharing/caching compressed result (#22521)
- [improve][broker] Propagate cause exception in TopicBusyException when applicable (#22596)
- [improve][broker] Repeat the handleMetadataChanges callback when configurationMetadataStore equals localMetadataStore (#22519)
- [improve][broker] Servlet support response compression (#21667)
- [improve][broker] Support X-Forwarded-For and HA Proxy Protocol for resolving original client IP of http/https requests (#22524)
- [improve][broker] backlog quota exceed limit log replaced with
(#22488) - [fix][ml] Fix NPE of getValidPositionAfterSkippedEntries when recovering a terminated managed ledger (#22552)
- [fix][ml] Mark delete stuck due to switching cursor ledger fails (#22662)
- [fix][ml] No rollover inactive ledgers when metadata service invalid (#22284)
- [fix][offload] Fix OOM in tiered storage, caused by unbounded offsets cache (#22679)
- [fix][offload] Increase file upload limit from 2048MiB to 4096MiB for GCP/GCS offloading (#22554)
- [fix][storage] ReadonlyManagedLedger initialization does not fill in the properties (#22630)
- [fix][admin] Fix namespace admin api exception response (#22587)
- [fix][txn]Handle exceptions in the transaction pending ack init (#21274)
- [improve][log] Print source client addr when enabled haProxyProtocolEnabled (#22686)
- [improve][meta] Log a warning when ZK batch fails with connectionloss (#22566)
- [improve][offload] Apply autoSkipNonRecoverableData configuration to tiered storage (#22531)
- [improve][offload] Replace usage of shaded class in OffsetsCache (#22683)
- [improve][sec] Align some namespace level policy authorisation check (#21640)
- [fix][client] Fix Consumer should return configured batch receive max messages (#22619)
- [fix][client] Fix ReaderBuilder doest not give illegalArgument on connection failure retry (#22639)
- [fix][client] Fix client side memory leak when call MessageImpl.create and fix imprecise client-side metrics: pendingMessagesUpDownCounter, pendingBytesUpDownCounter, latencyHistogram (#22393)
Pulsar IO and Pulsar Functions
- [fix][fn] make sure the classloader for ContextImpl is
in different runtimes (#22501) - [fix][io] CompressionEnabled didn't work on elasticsearch sink (#22565)
- [fix][io] Fix es index creation (#22654) (#22701)
- [fix][io] Kafka Source connector maybe stuck (#22511)
- [improve][io]: Add validation for JDBC sink not supporting primitive schema (#22376)
- [improve][ws] Add memory limit configuration for Pulsar client used in Websocket proxy (#22666)
- [fix][build] Fix building docker images without setting UBUNTU_MIRROR
- [fix][build] Fix networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl config (#22400)
- [improve][misc] Specify valid home dir for the default user in the Ubuntu based docker image (#22446)
Library updates
- [fix][broker] upgrade jclouds 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0 (#22220)
- [improve][misc] Upgrade to Bookkeeper 4.16.5 (#22484)
- [improve][misc] Upgrade to Netty 4.1.108 and tcnative 2.0.65 (#22369)
- [fix][misc] Rename all shaded Netty native libraries (#22415)
- [fix][sec] Upgrade Bouncycastle to 1.78 (#22509)
- [fix][sec] Upgrade aws-sdk.version to avoid CVE-2024-21634 (#22633)
- [fix][sec] Upgrade elasticsearch-java version to avoid CVE-2023-4043 (#22640)
- [fix][sec] Upgrade postgresql version to avoid CVE-2024-1597 (#22635)
- [improve][build] Upgrade Lombok to 1.18.32 for Java 22 support (#22425)
Tests & CI
- [fix][test] Clear MockedPulsarServiceBaseTest fields to prevent test runtime memory leak (#22659)
- [fix][test] Clear fields in test cleanup to reduce memory consumption (#22583)
- [fix][test] Fix NPE in BookKeeperClusterTestCase tearDown (#22493)
- [fix][test] Fix flaky test ReplicatorTest (#22594)
- [fix][test] Fix resource leak in TransactionCoordinatorClientTest (#21380)
- [fix][test] Fix the flaky tests of ManagedLedgerImplUtilsTest (#22611)
- [fix][test] Flaky-test: ManagedLedgerTest.testTimestampOnWorkingLedger (#22600)
- [fix][test] Flaky-test: testMessageExpiryWithTimestampNonRecoverableException and testIncorrectClientClock (#22489)
- [fix][test] SchemaMap in AutoConsumeSchema has been reused (#22500)
- [fix][test][branch-3.0] Fix test PersistentTopicsTest.testUpdatePartitionedTopic
- [improve][test] Move ShadowManagedLedgerImplTest to flaky tests (#22526)
- [improve][test] Move most flaky tests to flaky group (#22433)
- [improve][test] Replace usage of curl in Java test and fix stream leaks (#22463)
- [improve][ci][branch-3.0] Upgrade actions in pulsar-ci and pulsar-ci-flaky, port owasp cache change
- [improve][build] Upgrade OWASP Dependency check version to 9.1.0 (#22530)
For the complete list, check the full changelog.