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Read about the latest releases, explore new features, discover upcoming events, and gain insights through articles on the Apache Pulsar Blog.

Dear Apache Pulsar enthusiast,

As we know, when assessing the health of an open-source community, it is tempting to focus on various quantitative metrics, for example, activity, size (contributors), demographics, diversity, and so on, among which the number of contributors is a key metric for measuring the health and popularity of a project and a way to inform the trends.

And today, we are very proud to see that Apache Pulsar has attracted its 200th contributor! It is an important milestone for our community growth.

Pulsar Summit is an annual conference dedicated to Apache Pulsar community, bringing together an international audience of CTOs/CIOs, developers, data architects, data scientists, Apache Pulsar committers/contributors, and the messaging and streaming community, to share experiences, exchange ideas and knowledge about Pulsar and its growing community, and receive hands-on training sessions led by Pulsar experts.

· 6 min read

We are proud to publish Apache Pulsar 2.4.2. Thank the great efforts from Apache Pulsar community with over 110 commits, covering improvements and bug fixes.

For detailed changes related to 2.4.2 release, refer to release notes.

I will highlight some improvements and bug fixes in this blog.

· 3 min read

We are glad to publish Apache Pulsar 2.4.0. This is the result of a huge effort from the community, with over 460 commits and a long list of new features, general improvements and bug fixes.

Check out the release notes for a detailed list of the changes, with links to the relevant pull requests, discussions and documentation.

Regarding new features introduced, I just want to highlight here a tiny subset of them:

· 4 min read

The Apache Pulsar PMC is happy to announce the release of Pulsar 2.3.0. This is the result of huge effort from the community, with over 480 commits and a long list of new features, general improvements and bug fixes.

These improvements have been across the board in all of Pulsar components, from new messaging features, to improved usability for Pulsar Functions and Pulsar IO.

Check out the official release notes for a detailed list of the changes, with links to the relevant pull-requests, discussions and documentation.

Regarding new features introduced, I just want to highlight here a tiny subset of them:

· 4 min read

We are glad to present the new 2.1.0-incubating release of Pulsar. This release is the culmination of 2 months of work that have brought multiple new features and improvements to Pulsar.

In Pulsar 2.1 you'll see:

For details information please check the detailed release notes and 2.1.0 documentation.