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Managing Brokers

Pulsar brokers consist of two components:

  1. An HTTP server exposing a REST interface administration and topic lookup.
  2. A dispatcher that handles all Pulsar message transfers.

Brokers can be managed via:

In addition to being configurable when you start them up, brokers can also be dynamically configured.

See the Configuration page for a full listing of broker-specific configuration parameters.

Brokers resources​

List active brokers​

Fetch all available active brokers that are serving traffic with cluster name.

$ pulsar-admin brokers list use

Get the information of the leader broker​

Fetch the information of the leader broker, for example, the service url.

$ pulsar-admin brokers leader-broker


list of namespaces owned by a given broker​

It finds all namespaces which are owned and served by a given broker.

$ pulsar-admin brokers namespaces use \

"my-property/use/my-ns/0x00000000_0xffffffff": {
"broker_assignment": "shared",
"is_controlled": false,
"is_active": true

Dynamic broker configuration​

One way to configure a Pulsar broker is to supply a configuration when the broker is started up.

But since all broker configuration in Pulsar is stored in ZooKeeper, configuration values can also be dynamically updated while the broker is running. When you update broker configuration dynamically, ZooKeeper will notify the broker of the change and the broker will then override any existing configuration values.

  • The brokers command for the pulsar-admin tool has a variety of subcommands that enable you to manipulate a broker's configuration dynamically, enabling you to update config values and more.
  • In the Pulsar admin REST API, dynamic configuration is managed through the /admin/v2/brokers/configuration endpoint.

Update dynamic configuration​

The update-dynamic-config subcommand will update existing configuration. It takes two arguments: the name of the parameter and the new value using the config and value flag respectively. Here's an example for the brokerShutdownTimeoutMs parameter:

$ pulsar-admin brokers update-dynamic-config --config brokerShutdownTimeoutMs --value 100

List updated values​

Fetch a list of all potentially updatable configuration parameters.

$ pulsar-admin brokers list-dynamic-config

List all​

Fetch a list of all parameters that have been dynamically updated.

$ pulsar-admin brokers get-all-dynamic-config