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Writing release notes

Pulsar release notes consist of the following parts:


To generate release notes, you are suggested to install the GitHub CLI and authenticate first:

brew install gh
gh auth login

Fetch the release metadata​

# Replace 3.0.6 with the target version tag
# Replace apache/pulsar with the component repo
gh release view "v$VERSION_WITHOUT_RC" -R apache/pulsar --json author,tagName,publishedAt

Fetch the release note​

# Replace 3.0.6 with the target version tag
# Replace apache/pulsar with the component repo
gh release view "v$VERSION_WITHOUT_RC" -R apache/pulsar --json body --jq .body

Register the new released version to releases.json, data/release-pulsar.js and data/release-java.js files​

# Replace 3.0.6 with the target version tag
# Replace apache/pulsar with the component repo
./scripts/ $VERSION_WITHOUT_RC $(gh release view "v$VERSION_WITHOUT_RC" -R apache/pulsar --json author,publishedAt | jq -r '[.author.login, .publishedAt] | join(" ")')

Generate release notes​

There isn't a definite way yet.

Here are 2 approaches:

Using "git log"

git log --reverse --oneline v$PREVIOUS_VERSION..v$VERSION_WITHOUT_RC | colrm 1 12 | sed 's/\] \[/][/' | perl -p -e 's/^\s+//' | awk -F ']' '{
if ($1 ~ /^\[/) {
print $1 "]" $2, $0
} else {
print "[zzz]", $0
}' | sort | cut -d ' ' -f2- | sed 's/\(#\([0-9]\+\)\)/[#\2](https:\/\/\/apache\/pulsar\/pull\/\2)/g' | sed 's/^/- /'

Alternatively using "gh pr list"

gh pr list -L 1000 --search "is:pr is:merged label:release/2.10.6 label:cherry-picked/branch-2.10" --json title,number,url | jq -r '.[] | "\(.title) [\(.number)](\(.url))"'

Update the release note page​

  1. Copy the related release notes entries and add a versioned release note file.
  2. Update the version metadata files (release-*.js). For apache/pulsar releases, this means updating release-java.js (Java client) and release-pulsar.js (Pulsar).
  3. For every apache/pulsar release, you should add a <release-version> entry to the corresponding place in the releases.json file.
  4. Update swagger files. ref: swagger files

To preview the result, follow the instructions for previewing content.

Submit the release note​

Submit a PR against the site repo with the added version release note file and updated version metadata files.

Here are some examples:

Check whether the release information is shown on the Pulsar Release Note page after the website is updated and built successfully.