git clone cd pulsar-helm-chart
Run the script to create secrets required for installing the Apache Pulsar Helm chart. The username pulsar and password pulsar are used for logging into the Grafana dashboard and Pulsar Manager.
When running the script, you can use -n to specify the Kubernetes namespace where the Pulsar Helm chart is installed, -k to define the Pulsar Helm release name, and -c to create the Kubernetes namespace. For more information about the script, run ./scripts/pulsar/ --help.
Step 2: Use pulsar-admin to create Pulsar tenants/namespaces/topics
pulsar-admin is the CLI (command-Line Interface) tool for Pulsar. In this step, you can use pulsar-admin to create resources, including tenants, namespaces, and topics.
Then you can see all the partitioned topics in the namespace apache/pulsar.
Step 3: Use Pulsar client to produce and consume messages
You can use the Pulsar client to create producers and consumers to produce and consume messages.
By default, the Pulsar Helm chart exposes the Pulsar cluster through a Kubernetes LoadBalancer. In Minikube, you can use the following command to check the proxy service.
kubectl get services -n pulsar |grep pulsar-mini-proxy
This output tells the node ports that Pulsar cluster's binary port and HTTP port are mapped to. The port after 80: is the HTTP port while the port after 6650: is the binary port.
Then you can find the IP address and exposed ports of your Minikube server by running the following command.
Pulsar Manager is a web-based GUI management tool for managing and monitoring Pulsar.
By default, the Pulsar Manager is exposed as a separate LoadBalancer. You can open the Pulsar Manager UI using the following command:
minikube service -n pulsar pulsar-mini-pulsar-manager
The Pulsar Manager UI will be open in your browser. You can use the username pulsar and password pulsar to log into Pulsar Manager.
In Pulsar Manager UI, you can create an environment.
Click New Environment button in the top-left corner.
Type pulsar-mini for the field Environment Name in the popup window.
Type http://pulsar-mini-broker:8080 for the field Service URL in the popup window.
Click Confirm button in the popup window.
After successfully creating an environment, you are redirected to the tenants page of that environment. Then you can create tenants, namespaces and topics using the Pulsar Manager.
Step 5: Use Prometheus and Grafana to monitor cluster
Grafana is an open-source visualization tool, which can be used for visualizing time series data into dashboards.
By default, the Grafana is exposed as a separate LoadBalancer. You can open the Grafana UI using the following command:
minikube service pulsar-mini-grafana -n pulsar
The Grafana UI is open in your browser. You can use the username pulsar and password pulsar to log into the Grafana Dashboard.
You can view dashboards for different components of a Pulsar cluster.