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Managing Namespaces


This page only shows some frequently used operations.

  • For the latest and complete information about Pulsar admin, including commands, flags, descriptions, and more information, see Pulsar admin docs.

  • For the latest and complete information about REST API, including parameters, responses, samples, and more, see REST API doc.

  • For the latest and complete information about Java admin API, including classes, methods, descriptions, and more, see Java admin API doc.

Pulsar namespaces are logical groupings of topics.

Namespaces can be managed via:

  • The namespaces command of the pulsar-admin tool
  • The /admin/v2/namespaces endpoint of the admin REST API
  • The namespaces method of the PulsarAdmin object in the Java API

Namespaces resources​

Create namespaces​

You can create new namespaces under a given tenant.

Use the create subcommand and specify the namespace by name:

pulsar-admin namespaces create test-tenant/test-namespace

Get policies​

You can fetch the current policies associated with a namespace at any time.

Use the policies subcommand and specify the namespace:

pulsar-admin namespaces policies test-tenant/test-namespace

Example output:

"auth_policies": {
"namespace_auth": {},
"destination_auth": {}
"replication_clusters": [],
"bundles_activated": true,
"bundles": {
"boundaries": [
"numBundles": 1
"backlog_quota_map": {},
"persistence": null,
"latency_stats_sample_rate": {},
"message_ttl_in_seconds": 0,
"retention_policies": null,
"deleted": false

List namespaces​

You can list all namespaces within a given Pulsar tenant.

Use the list subcommand and specify the tenant:

pulsar-admin namespaces list test-tenant

Example output:


Delete namespaces​

You can delete existing namespaces from a tenant.

Use the delete subcommand and specify the namespace:

pulsar-admin namespaces delete test-tenant/namespace1

Configure replication clusters​

Set replication cluster​

You can set replication clusters for a namespace to enable Pulsar to internally replicate the published messages from one colocation facility to another.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-clusters test-tenant/namespace1 --clusters cl1

Get replication cluster​

You can get the list of replication clusters for a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces get-clusters test-tenant/cluster1/namespace1

Example output:


Configure backlog quota policies​

Set backlog quota policies​

Backlog quota helps the broker to restrict bandwidth/storage of a namespace once it reaches a certain threshold limit. Admin can set the limit and take the corresponding action after the limit is reached.

  1. producer_request_hold: the producer holds the message and retries until client configuration sendTimeoutMs is exceeded

  2. producer_exception: the producer throws an exception when trying to send a message

  3. consumer_backlog_eviction: broker starts discarding backlog messages

Backlog quota restriction can be taken care of by defining the restriction of backlog-quota-type: destination_storage.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-backlog-quota --limit 10G \
--limitTime 36000 \
--policy producer_request_hold \

Get backlog quota policies​

You can get a configured backlog quota for a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces get-backlog-quotas test-tenant/namespace1

Example output:

destination_storage    BacklogQuotaImpl(limit=10737418240, limitSize=10737418240, limitTime=36000, policy=producer_request_hold)

Remove backlog quota policies​

You can remove backlog quota policies for a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces remove-backlog-quota test-tenant/namespace1

Configure persistence policies​

Set persistence policies​

Persistence policies allow users to configure persistency-level for all topic messages under a given namespace.

  • Bookkeeper-ack-quorum: Number of acks (guaranteed copies) to wait for each entry, default: 2

  • Bookkeeper-ensemble: Number of bookies to use for a topic, default: 2

  • Bookkeeper-write-quorum: How many writes to make of each entry, default: 2

  • Ml-mark-delete-max-rate: Throttling rate of mark-delete operation (0 means no throttle), default: 0

pulsar-admin namespaces set-persistence \
--bookkeeper-ack-quorum 2 --bookkeeper-ensemble 3 \
--bookkeeper-write-quorum 2 --ml-mark-delete-max-rate 0 \

Get persistence policies​

You can get the configured persistence policies of a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces get-persistence test-tenant/namespace1

Example output:

"bookkeeperEnsemble": 3,
"bookkeeperWriteQuorum": 2,
"bookkeeperAckQuorum": 2,
"managedLedgerMaxMarkDeleteRate": 0

Configure namespace bundles​

Unload namespace bundles​

A namespace bundle is a virtual group of topics that belong to the same namespace. If the broker gets overloaded with the number of bundles, this command can help unload a bundle from that broker, so it can be served by some other less-loaded brokers. The namespace bundle ID ranges from 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff.

pulsar-admin namespaces unload --bundle 0x00000000_0xffffffff test-tenant/namespace1
pulsar-admin namespaces unload --bundle 0x00000000_0xffffffff test-tenant/namespace1
pulsar-admin namespaces unload --bundle 0x00000000_0xffffffff --destinationBroker test-tenant/namespace1

Split namespace bundles​

One namespace bundle can contain multiple topics but can be served by only one broker. If a single bundle is creating an excessive load on a broker, an admin can split the bundle using the command below, permitting one or more of the new bundles to be unloaded, thus balancing the load across the brokers.

pulsar-admin namespaces split-bundle --bundle 0x00000000_0xffffffff test-tenant/namespace1

Configure message TTL​

Set message-ttl​

You can configure the time to live (in seconds) duration for messages. In the example below, the message-ttl is set as 100s.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-message-ttl --messageTTL 100 test-tenant/namespace1

Get message-ttl​

When the message-ttl for a namespace is set, you can use the command below to get the configured value. This example comtinues the example of the command set message-ttl, so the returned value is 100(s).

pulsar-admin namespaces get-message-ttl test-tenant/namespace1

Example output:


Remove message-ttl​

Remove a message TTL of the configured namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces remove-message-ttl test-tenant/namespace1

Clear backlog​

Clear namespace backlog​

It clears all message backlogs for all the topics that belong to a specific namespace. You can also clear backlogs for a specific subscription as well.

pulsar-admin namespaces clear-backlog --sub my-subscription test-tenant/namespace1

Clear bundle backlog​

It clears all message backlogs for all the topics that belong to a specific NamespaceBundle. You can also clear backlogs for a specific subscription as well.

pulsar-admin namespaces clear-backlog \
--bundle 0x00000000_0xffffffff \
--sub my-subscription \

Configure retention​

Set retention​

Each namespace contains multiple topics and the retention size (storage size) of each topic should not exceed a specific threshold or it should be stored for a certain period. This command helps configure the retention size and time of topics in a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-retention --size 100M --time 10m test-tenant/namespace1

Get retention​

It shows the retention information of a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces get-retention test-tenant/namespace1
"retentionTimeInMinutes": 10,
"retentionSizeInMB": 100

Configure dispatch throttling for topics​

Set dispatch throttling for topics​

It sets the message dispatch rate for all the topics under a given namespace. The dispatch rate can be restricted by the number of messages per X seconds (msg-dispatch-rate) or by the number of message-bytes per X second (byte-dispatch-rate). The dispatch rate is in second and it can be configured with dispatch-rate-period. The default value of msg-dispatch-rate and byte-dispatch-rate is -1 which disables the throttling.

  • If neither clusterDispatchRate nor topicDispatchRate is configured, dispatch throttling is disabled.
  • If topicDispatchRate is not configured, clusterDispatchRate takes effect.
  • If topicDispatchRate is configured, topicDispatchRate takes effect.
pulsar-admin namespaces set-dispatch-rate test-tenant/namespace1 \
--msg-dispatch-rate 1000 \
--byte-dispatch-rate 1048576 \
--dispatch-rate-period 1

Get configured message-rate for topics​

It shows the configured message-rate for the namespace (topics under this namespace can dispatch this many messages per second)

pulsar-admin namespaces get-dispatch-rate test-tenant/namespace1

Example output:

"dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg" : 1000,
"dispatchThrottlingRateInByte" : 1048576,
"relativeToPublishRate" : false,
"ratePeriodInSecond" : 1

Configure dispatch throttling for subscription​

Set dispatch throttling for subscription​

It sets the message dispatch rate for all the subscriptions of topics under a given namespace. The dispatch rate can be restricted by the number of messages per X seconds (msg-dispatch-rate) or by the number of message-bytes per X second (byte-dispatch-rate). The dispatch rate is in second and it can be configured with dispatch-rate-period. The default value of msg-dispatch-rate and byte-dispatch-rate is -1 which disables the throttling.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-subscription-dispatch-rate test-tenant/namespace1 \
--msg-dispatch-rate 1000 \
--byte-dispatch-rate 1048576 \
--dispatch-rate-period 1

Get configured message-rate for subscription​

It shows the configured message-rate for the namespace (topics under this namespace can dispatch this many messages per second).

pulsar-admin namespaces get-subscription-dispatch-rate test-tenant/namespace1

Example output:

"dispatchThrottlingRateInMsg" : 1000,
"dispatchThrottlingRateInByte" : 1048576,
"relativeToPublishRate" : false,
"ratePeriodInSecond" : 1

Configure dispatch throttling for replicators​

Set dispatch throttling for replicators​

It sets the message dispatch rate for all the replicators between replication clusters under a given namespace. The dispatch rate can be restricted by the number of messages per X seconds (msg-dispatch-rate) or by the number of message-bytes per X second (byte-dispatch-rate). The dispatch rate is in second and it can be configured with dispatch-rate-period. The default value of msg-dispatch-rate and byte-dispatch-rate is -1 which disables the throttling.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-replicator-dispatch-rate test-tenant/namespace1 \
--msg-dispatch-rate 1000 \
--byte-dispatch-rate 1048576 \
--dispatch-rate-period 1

Get configured message-rate for replicators​

It shows the configured message-rate for the namespace (topics under this namespace can dispatch this many messages per second)

pulsar-admin namespaces get-replicator-dispatch-rate test-tenant/namespace1
"dispatchThrottlingRatePerTopicInMsg" : 1000,
"dispatchThrottlingRatePerTopicInByte" : 1048576,
"ratePeriodInSecond" : 1

Configure deduplication snapshot interval​

Get deduplication snapshot interval​

It shows the configured deduplicationSnapshotInterval for a namespace (Each topic under the namespace will take a deduplication snapshot according to this interval)

pulsar-admin namespaces get-deduplication-snapshot-interval test-tenant/namespace1

Set deduplication snapshot interval​

Set the configured deduplicationSnapshotInterval for a namespace. Each topic under the namespace will take a deduplication snapshot according to this interval. brokerDeduplicationEnabled must be set to true for this property to take effect.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-deduplication-snapshot-interval test-tenant/namespace1 --interval 1000

Remove deduplication snapshot interval​

Remove configured deduplicationSnapshotInterval of a namespace (Each topic under the namespace will take a deduplication snapshot according to this interval).

pulsar-admin namespaces remove-deduplication-snapshot-interval test-tenant/namespace1

Namespace isolation​

You can use the Pulsar isolation policy to allocate resources (broker and bookie) for a namespace.

Unload namespaces from a broker​

You can unload a namespace, or a namespace bundle, from the Pulsar broker that is currently responsible for it.


Use the unload subcommand of the namespaces command.

pulsar-admin namespaces unload my-tenant/my-ns

Configure entry filters policy​

Set entry filters policy​

Entry filter helps with filtering message on server side.

pulsar-admin namespaces set-entry-filters \
--desc "The description of the entry filter to be used for user help." \
--entry-filters-name "The class name for the entry filter." \
--entry-filters-dir "The directory for all the entry filter implementations." \

Get entry filters policies​

You can get a configured entry filter for a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces get-entry-filters test-tenant/namespace1

Remove entry filters policies​

You can remove entry filters policies for a given namespace.

pulsar-admin namespaces remove-entry-filters test-tenant/namespace1