Use C# client
This section introduces some hands-on examples to get started with using the Pulsar C# client.
Create a producer​
This section describes how to create a producer.
Create a producer by using the builder.
using DotPulsar;
using DotPulsar.Extensions;
var producer = client.NewProducer()
.Create();Create a producer without using the builder.
using DotPulsar;
var options = new ProducerOptions<byte[]>("persistent://public/default/mytopic", Schema.ByteArray);
var producer = client.CreateProducer(options);
This example shows how to monitor the producer's state.
private static async ValueTask Monitor(IProducer producer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var state = ProducerState.Disconnected;
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
state = (await producer.StateChangedFrom(state, cancellationToken)).ProducerState;
var stateMessage = state switch
ProducerState.Connected => $"The producer is connected",
ProducerState.Disconnected => $"The producer is disconnected",
ProducerState.Closed => $"The producer has closed",
ProducerState.Faulted => $"The producer has faulted",
ProducerState.PartiallyConnected => $"The producer is partially connected.",
_ => $"The producer has an unknown state '{state}'"
if (producer.IsFinalState(state))
The following table lists states available for the producer.
State | Description |
Closed | The producer or the Pulsar client has been disposed. |
Connected | All is well. |
Disconnected | The connection is lost and attempts are being made to reconnect. |
Faulted | An unrecoverable error has occurred. |
PartiallyConnected | Some of the sub-producers are disconnected. |
Create a consumer​
This section describes how to create a consumer.
Create a consumer by using the builder.
using DotPulsar;
using DotPulsar.Extensions;
var consumer = client.NewConsumer()
.Create();Create a consumer without using the builder.
using DotPulsar;
var options = new ConsumerOptions<byte[]>("MySubscription", "persistent://public/default/mytopic", Schema.ByteArray);
var consumer = client.CreateConsumer(options);
This example shows how to monitor the consumer's state.
private static async ValueTask Monitor(IConsumer consumer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var state = ConsumerState.Disconnected;
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
state = (await consumer.StateChangedFrom(state, cancellationToken)).ConsumerState;
var stateMessage = state switch
ConsumerState.Active => "The consumer is active",
ConsumerState.Inactive => "The consumer is inactive",
ConsumerState.Disconnected => "The consumer is disconnected",
ConsumerState.Closed => "The consumer has closed",
ConsumerState.ReachedEndOfTopic => "The consumer has reached end of topic",
ConsumerState.Faulted => "The consumer has faulted",
ConsumerState.Unsubscribed => "The consumer is unsubscribed.",
_ => $"The consumer has an unknown state '{state}'"
if (consumer.IsFinalState(state))
The following table lists states available for the consumer.
State | Description |
Active | All is well. |
Inactive | All is well. The subscription type is Failover and you are not the active consumer. |
Closed | The consumer or the Pulsar client has been disposed. |
Disconnected | The connection is lost and attempts are being made to reconnect. |
Faulted | An unrecoverable error has occurred. |
ReachedEndOfTopic | No more messages are delivered. |
Unsubscribed | The consumer has unsubscribed. |
Create a reader​
This section describes how to create a reader.
Create a reader by using the builder.
using DotPulsar;
using DotPulsar.Extensions;
var reader = client.NewReader()
.Create();Create a reader without using the builder.
using DotPulsar;
var options = new ReaderOptions<byte[]>(MessageId.Earliest, "persistent://public/default/mytopic", Schema.ByteArray);
var reader = client.CreateReader(options);
This example shows how to monitor the reader's state.
private static async ValueTask Monitor(IReader reader, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var state = ReaderState.Disconnected;
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
state = (await reader.StateChangedFrom(state, cancellationToken)).ReaderState;
var stateMessage = state switch
ReaderState.Connected => "The reader is connected",
ReaderState.Disconnected => "The reader is disconnected",
ReaderState.Closed => "The reader has closed",
ReaderState.ReachedEndOfTopic => "The reader has reached end of topic",
ReaderState.Faulted => "The reader has faulted",
_ => $"The reader has an unknown state '{state}'"
if (reader.IsFinalState(state))
The following table lists states available for the reader.
State | Description |
Closed | The reader or the Pulsar client has been disposed. |
Connected | All is well. |
Disconnected | The connection is lost and attempts are being made to reconnect. |
Faulted | An unrecoverable error has occurred. |
ReachedEndOfTopic | No more messages are delivered. |